Database work has begun
Since the last posting, the system backup has completed. The next tasks to be completed will be handled by the database administrators. With the upgrade to version 8.3, there are several tasks that need to occur at the database level to provide system functionality. An example of one of those task is the conversion of the database character set to UTF8 . The link will take you to Wikipedia to read a very brief description of what UTF8 is and describes its importance for internet and email protocols. Don’t worry; there won’t be a quiz at the end of the upgrade!
The database administrators will be working late in to the night. They do great work; unfortunately, they often have to do work during nights and weekends! I am sure that they have a big pot of coffee and will keep the upgrading progressing as planned. I intend to blog updates as tasks on the project plan are turned over to the next group for completion but I am a sound sleeper so it may be morning before the next update. Good night.